Celebrate the Winter Solstice at Knockroe Passage Tomb on December 21st

The Solstice Day takes place at the Knockroe (Coshel) in the Lingaun Valley on Saturday 21st with the Dawn Alignment at 8.40am and closes with the evening one at 3.40pm (Weather permitting). Visitors are requested to leave an additional twenty minutes to arrive on time and are invited to join the guided tours of the […]

Solstice Extras

Visitors to the Winter Solstice at Knockroe Coshel in the Lingaun Valley on Thursday 21st at 8,40am and 3,40pm are invited to join guided tours of Windgap Village and Grotto at 11.30am and of the Slatequarries at 13.45pm, to allow time to be back for the evening Solstice. Breakfasts and Dinners are available in the […]

Knockroe to feature in TG4 documentary on Newgrange

Calendar dates on local and national media for the Winter Solstice rising  and setting sun at the Coshel in Knockroe include  the  archaeologist Professor Muiris O’Sullivan on KCLR at 11.30 on Monday 11th and on TG4 on from 9:30pm on 20th December with a repeat at 11:35pm on December 23rd knockroe-passage-tomb-to-feature-in-tg4-documentary-on-newgrange Knockroe Passage Tomb in […]